Build Chief Engineer

Recommended Time In Role
A Build/Major Refit Chief Engineer should stay in their role for as long as it is a suitable and rewarding position. They can remain in a Build Chief Engineer role and continue to build their skills and experience or return to a Chief Engineer position.

Mandatory Qualifications
Every Build Chief Engineer must hold the appropriate CoC for the size of the vessel in build.

Recommended Qualifications
It is recommended to pursue CPD courses, especially in leadership, accounting, project management, and Ships Surveyor.
Recommended Experience
Ideally, a Build Chief Engineer should have extensive experience (five years plus) onboard similar-sized and type of vessels.

Character Attributes
- Good communication skills
- Good listener
- Supportive of others
- Resilient
- Works well under pressure
- Self-motivated
- Motivating
- Proactive
- Self-aware
- Well presented
- Budgeting and accounting skills
- Strong Mentor
- Strong negotiator
- Tolerant
- Ability to delegate
- Effective time management skills
- Problem solver
- Research skills