Build Captain

Recommended Time In Role
A Build Captain should stay in their role for as long as it is a suitable and rewarding position. They can remain in a Build Captain role and continue to build their skills and experience, or transition back to a Fleet or Yacht Captain position dependent on their skills, expertise, and preferences.

Mandatory Qualifications
Although there are no mandatory qualifications specific to a Build Captain role, there will be an expectation that the candidate will hold STCW – Basic Safety Training A-VI/I, and MCA Master (Yachts) <500gt, or <3000gt, or Unlimited CoC (vessel size dependent).

Recommended Qualifications
Pursuing CPD courses, especially in leadership, accounting, project management, and
Ships Surveyor, is recommended.
IAMI Guest purser modules could also be completed to top up any learning gaps. Please see Purser Career Map for details of IAMI GUEST modules.
Recommended Experience
Ideally, a Build Chief Captain should have extensive experience (five years plus) onboard similar-size and type of vessels, as well as experience in leading smaller refits, in order to progress into leading major refits and new builds.

A Third Officer/Bosun can also work towards “Master 500”. To obtain the “Master <500GT”, applicants must have served 12 months of OOW duties with at least 120 days of watchkeeping .
Character Attributes
- Resilient
- Confident
- Flexible
- Positive
- Budgeting & accounting skills
- Self-aware
- Strong work ethic
- Honest
- Trustworthy
- Personable
- Self-regulated
- Strong problem solver
- Good communicator
- Good listener
- Inspirational & motivational
- Ability to delegate,
mentor, support, train &
develop other
- Ability to work well under pressure
- Collaborative
- Strong negotiator
- Discreet
- Well presented
- Takes initiative
- Organised
- Diplomatic